SPERA Hydrogen™ Ready for Commercialization
Preliminary feasibility study on importing hydrogen at the Port of Rotterdam successfully completed in March 2022.
Mitsubishi Corporation, Chiyoda Corporation and Koole Terminals have studied the technical and commercial feasibility of an end-to-end global hydrogen value chain utilizing SPERA Hydrogen™ technology1 to conclude that methylcyclohexane (MCH)/toluene pathway for commercial-scale hydrogen import at Rotterdam could be viable.
In May 2022, the European Commission released the REPowerEU Plan including the target of 10 million tons of local hydrogen production and import of 10 million tons of hydrogen by 2030. Considering the double urgency to transform Europe’s energy system to lessen the dependence on fossil fuels and reduce GHG emissions to combat climate change, the immediate introduction of hydrogen into society is crucial.
In 2020, Mitsubishi Corporation and Chiyoda Corporation, with its partners in Japan, demonstrated the first international hydrogen supply chain utilizing SPERA Hydrogen™ between the Nation of Brunei and Japan. Based on this track record, technical feasibility of SPERA Hydrogen™ was duly proved, thus has a Technology Readiness Level of 7. SPERA Hydrogen™ is expected to play an important role in the realization of commercialscale hydrogen supply chains around the world.
Koole Terminals, whose extensive experience with handling special liquid products, will play a key role to materialize the hydrogen import project at Port of Rotterdam by providing land and existing port facilities. Since SPERA Hydrogen™ utilizes common chemical materials, existing oil and gas infrastructures could be repurposed without significant modifications, thus initial investment could be optimized.
The parties intend to move forward to the next phase – a detailed feasibility study and pre-FEED – during 2022 under the collaboration with potential hydrogen offtakers in the Netherlands and/or Germany. Commercial operation is expected to be achieved in 2026-2027. We will be ready to deliver. If you want to discuss further, contact: ryo.kogure@mitsubishicorp.com
SPERA Hydrogen™ is a technology to transport and store hydrogen utilizing Methylcyclohexane (MCH), which is Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHCs.) LOHC technologies allow hydrogen to be safely transported in chemical tankers at ambient temperature and pressure.